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Cookie Policy

Allow cookies Functional moove_gdpr_popup 14 days This will remember that you are happy to allow cookies on our website.
Google Analytics Non essential _ga 13 months Used to identify visitors
Google Analytics Non essential _gid 24 hours Assigns unique id to visitors and helps tracking their device info.
Google Analytics Non essential _gat 1 minute Sets number of requests user can send and may affect performance.
Google Analytics Non essential -utma 13 months Stores visit history of each visitor. First visit, last visit, current visit etc.
Google Analytics Non essential -utmb 30 minutes Tracks user session.
Google Analytics Non essential -utmc session Similar to and works with _utmb but expires when the browser is closed. This is used to determine if a new session needs to be established or not.
Google Analytics Non essential -utmz 13 months Tracks users traffic source (organic, paid, etc).
Litespeed cache Functional _lscache_vary 2 days This cookie is used to store whether you are logged into the site and what your user role is. It us used to help improve site performance for logged in users.
Vimeo Player Functional vuid / __cf_bn session Session data and analytics tracking is disabled, applicable by the Do Not Track (DNT) setting to true. These cookies do not track individuals, but these 2 essential cookies may appear according to Vimeo. The Vimeo player cookie (vuid) for visitors who are not logged in to a Vimeo account. Additional analytics cookies are dropped for users who are logged in to a Vimeo account. The __cf_bm cookie, which is part of Cloudflare's Bot Management service and helps mitigate risk associated with spam and bot traffic. See the Vimeo privacy policy: